Adding business logic to the record lifecycle using a Bizlet class.

In Skyve you can add business logic using a special class called a Bizlet class. For each document, you can create a Bizlet class to extend lifecycle stages like newInstance (when a record is created), preSave (just before a record is saved), etc.

Each document package can include declarations of actions, reports, views and the associated Bizlet file. The Bizlet file contains document-specific behaviours including overrides of default action behaviours and document bean lifecycle events.

You can read more about Bizlet and Extension classes in the bizlet chapter of the developer guide.

Bizlet ResidentID

First of all, let’s show you how to create a Bizlet for the Resident document to customize the document behaviour. Skyve uses a naming convention to locate the Bizlet for a document, where it expects the bizlet to be named <DocumentName>Bizlet. So for our Resident document, we will be creating a ResidentBizlet.

Right-click the Resident package and select New, then select Class in the sub-menu.

The New Class window will appear as shown below:

Class definition

To complete the creation of the ResidentBizlet class, use the “Eclipse Quick Fix suggestions” as shown below:

Quickfix resident

Now, it is time to override the newInstance method to set the Resident ID number when a new instance of a Resident record is created.

By overriding, we mean that we want our application to do all the usual things Skyve needs to do to create a record as well as some things we want specifically - in this case, assign a new ID number. Because Skyve provides a way to generate unique ID numbers, either numeric only, or alpha-numeric, we can use this to generate numbers like: R001 R002 … etc

To override the newInstance method:


Select newInstance from the list.


The override method is generated in the file


Add the below code in the method

	String residentId = CORE.getNumberGenerator().next("R", Resident.MODULE_NAME, Resident.DOCUMENT_NAME, Resident.residentIDPropertyName, 4);
	return super.newInstance(bean);

The method CORE.getNumberGenerator().next("R", Resident.MODULE_NAME, Resident.DOCUMENT_NAME, Resident.residentIDPropertyName, 4); will create a new unique number with a prefix of “R”, for Resident type records, for the Resident ID attribute, with a length of 4 characters.

Because this code is called in the newInstance() method, the ResidentID number will be assigned as soon as a new record is created.

To test, redeploy the application and click on a new record in the Resident document. We will see that the ResidentID is already generated.

preSave() method of the Bizlet

In next few steps, we will see how we can use the preSave() Bizlet method.

In the previous step, we created a newInstance method. Now, I want you to change the Bizlet and use the preSave() method instead of newInstance() as follows:

  • When we save the resident record, check if the residentId is null - if it is null, assign a new DocumentNumber using modulesUtil.getNextDocumentNumber (similar to what you did for newInstance)
  • Add a condition to the Resident.xml file called hasID which checks if bean.getResidentId()!=null
  • Only show the residentID field in the Resident view if the hasID condition is true
  1. Modify the file and override preSave() (edit the file, go to source > override and implement method and select preSave() from list and click on OK).


  2. Add following code in the preSave() method in

package modules.agedCare.Resident;

import org.skyve.CORE;
import org.skyve.metadata.model.document.Bizlet;

import modules.agedCare.domain.Resident;

public class ResidentBizlet extends Bizlet<Resident> {

	public Resident newInstance(Resident bean) throws Exception {
		return super.newInstance(bean);

	public void preSave(Resident bean) throws Exception {
	    if (bean.getResidentID() == null) {
			String residentId = CORE.getNumberGenerator().next("R", Resident.MODULE_NAME, Resident.DOCUMENT_NAME, Resident.residentIDPropertyName, 4);


presave code

  1. Next, add a condition to the Resident.xml file called hasID which checks if bean.getResident()!=null
  2. Open Resident.xml, and add a condition after attributes as shown below:

	<condition name="hasID">
  1. To show the residentID field in the Resident view if the hasID condition is true, open _residentInfo.xml

  2. Then, change ResidentID field as shown below:

		<textField disabled="true" visible="hasID" binding="residentID" />

To see the changes, generate domain and deploy the application. Sign in as a manager, and add a new resident. The resident id will generate when you save all other details.

resident document

After completing the details for the Resident record, press the save button and check that the Resident ID number has been generated.

resident document Id

Enhancements to the Aged Care application

In this section, we will add more functionality to the Assessment document, to automatically record the date and time that the Assessment record is created. To do this we will:

  • Add a new dateTime attribute to the Assessment document called assesmentCreatedTime
  • Add a Bizlet for Assessment to set the assesmentCreatedTime when a new assessment is created and record the user who created the assessment
  • In the Facility view, show a listGrid of Residents at that facility
  • Add a status enumeration for Resident with appropriate values (current, discharged, deceased), where the default value is current
  1. Add a new dateTime attribute to the Assessment document called assesmentCreatedTime - to do this, in the Assessment.xml file, add a new attribute as below:
<dateTime name="assessmentCreatedTime">
	<displayName>Assessment Created Time</displayName>

Next, modify the _reviewDetail view component - open the _reviewDetail.xml file to add that attribute in a new row.

		<default binding="assessmentCreatedTime" />

Generate domain, and deploy your app to check that you can see the new field in the Assessment records.

Assessment created date

  1. Add a Bizlet for the Assessment document to automatically set the assesmentCreatedTime when a new assessment is created and to record the user who created the assessment. Firstly, create the file as we did above:
  • Right-click to the Assessment package and select New, then select Class in the sub-menu.
  • Follow the Quick Fix suggestions to resolve errors in file and import all the packages.
  • Override the newInstance method. (Click on source > override and implement method. Choose newInstance from the list and Eclipse will generate the newInstance method and override notation for us.) Then, update the method as shown below:
package modules.agedCare.Assessment;

import org.skyve.domain.types.DateTime;
import org.skyve.metadata.model.document.Bizlet;

import modules.admin.ModulesUtil;
import modules.agedCare1.domain.Assessment;

public class AssessmentBizlet extends Bizlet<Assessment> {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 3621162734311172527L;

	public Assessment newInstance(Assessment bean) throws Exception {
		bean.setAssessmentCreatedTime(new DateTime());
		return super.newInstance(bean);

Generate domain and deploy the application to see the changes.

So, now we have the Assessment Created Time and Assessment Created By in the Assessment document as shown:

Set assessment created by

  1. Next we want to change the Facility view to show a list of all the Residents associated with the Facility.

In Skyve, we can use a listGrid as follows: (you can read more about the listGrid widget here - List Grid)

Go to the Facility package and open the edit.xml to add a listGrid as below

<listGrid continueConversation="true" query="qResident">
	<filterParameter filterBinding="facility" operator="equal"valueBinding="bizId" />


Generate domain to check the result.

listGrid of resident

  1. Next we will modify our application to record a status for each Resident.

To do this, we will add a enumeration called residentStatus to the Resident document, with values (current, discharged, deceased), where the default value is current.

Open the Resident.xml and add this code in <attributes>

<enum name="residentStatus">
	<displayName>Resident Status</displayName>
		<value code="Current" />
		<value code="Discharged" />
		<value code="Deceased" />

Next, open _residentInfo.xml and add a row:

		<default binding="residentStatus" />

Generate domain, and deploy the app again. You can see the new field in Assessment, Resident Status.


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