Document numbers allow creators of Skyve applications to define unique sequences for fields, for example customer IDs or invoice numbers. These can be numberical or alphanumeric.

Viewing a document number

To check the current sequence assigned to an attribute:

  1. Login with a user which has the SecurityAdministrator role
  2. Under the ‘Admin’ module, select ‘Document Numbers’
  3. Locate or filter for the document and attribute
  4. The ‘Number’ column contains the current last assigned sequence for the attribute

Modifying a document number

If a gap needs to be introduced in a sequence, or go back to a previous sequence to close a gap:

  1. Login with a user which has the SecurityAdministrator role
  2. Under the ‘Admin’ module, select ‘Document Numbers’
  3. Locate or filter for the document and attribute and click the row to zoom into the document number
  4. Update the number attribute to the new value
  5. Click OK to save the changes
  6. The next number assigned will be incremented from the saved value