Skyve provides the following utility classes:

Class/Library Description
BeanValidator Various methods for validation
  • validateBeanAgainstBizlet() - Validate a bean against its bizlet .validate() - NB This validation method does NOT recursively validate using bizlets through the base document hierarchy as the bizlet class should be arranged in such a way as to extend the bizlet methods required of the base bizlet classes through the standard java extension mechanism.
  • validateBeanAgainstDocument() - Validate a document instance against its metadata.
  • validateBeanPropertyAgainstAttribute() - Validate a document attribute against its metadata
Binder Provides methods for generic bean binding manipulations, including:

  • generic get() and set() methods for a bean with nominated binding,
  • formatMessage() for using binding substitutions in string outputs using the correct converter
  • convertAndSet() for setting a converted string value using the correct converter
  • createCompoundBinding() for correctly constructing compound bindings (i.e. across document references), and
  • read and interpret the nature of bean properties.
CORE Utility class for the core Skyve API.
DocumentQuery Provides methods for constructing object queries without resorting to constructing OQL or SQL strings.
EXT External and extra dependency APIs (Bizport and POI, mail, reporting, jobs and developer access to the Skyve tagging feature).
ModulesUtil Contains a number of business-focused methods and enumerations for cross-module functionality, including:

  • methods for working with business periods (month, quarter, half-year etc.) and frequency,
  • currentAdminUser() and currentAdminUserProxy() which identifies the current conversation user as an admin module user,
  • coalesce methods, and
  • basic Tax and loan calculation methods.
Persistence Provides access to interact directly with the singleton persistence mechanism (detailed below).
Time Helper class to work with Skyve Date and Time classes.
Util Bean-level generic utilities, including generic bean methods e.g. cloneToTransientBySerialisation().

Document Number pattern

The Skyve NumberGenerator pattern is designed for business focused identifiers (e.g. Purchase order numbers, Quotation numbers, Invoice numbers etc) from a central issuing authority, and handles concurrent use by multiple users.

Skyve automatically maintains bizId as a guaranteed unique identifier which can be generated independently within the client (or from a disconnected device or 3rd party system if required), but this is for internal use only and is not intended to be used for business purposes.

The getNumberGenerator().next() is intended for indelible/auditable business processes, where numbers are never reassigned (even if the owning document might be deleted), and as such, would normally be assigned when the owning document is saved (rather than created). If the number is assigned when the document is created, if the user decides not to save the document, that number will have been allocated, but there will be no owning document.

The usual pattern for using next() is as follows:

First add either a blurb or disabled textField to the view, with visibility controlled by persisted (i.e. there is no number to show until the document is saved).

	<blurb visible="persisted">

To assign the numbers during save, place the following code into the preSave() method in the document’s bizLet class:

if (bean.getPurchaseOrderNumber() == null) {
	// get the next assistance id
	bean.setPurchaseOrderNumber(CORE.getNumberGenerator().next(PurchaseOrder.MODULE_NAME, PurchaseOrder.DOCUMENT_NAME, PurchaseOrder.purchaseOrderPropertyName)));

Or alternatively, if you want to have prefixed numbers like ‘PO0001’, use the alternative signature:

if (bean.getPurchaseOrderNumber() == null) {
	// get the next assistance id
	bean.setPurchaseOrderNumber(CORE.getNumberGenerator().next("PO", PurchaseOrder.MODULE_NAME, PurchaseOrder.DOCUMENT_NAME, PurchaseOrder.purchaseOrderPropertyName, 4)));


Binder is a utility class which handles beans in a generic way, taking into account customer default settings and customer overriding.

formatMessage() and convertAndSet()

Developers can take advantage of the formatMessage() to construct valid String output using the correct converter, as declared in customer or document metadata. Similarly convertAndSet() takes a String argument and sets the bean attribute using the correct converter fromDisplayValue() method.

formatMessage() allows bean varargs, and the binding substitution will occur in the order in which the beans are supplied.

	, "The timesheet for {employeeCode} ({}) weekending {weekEndingDate} is overdue"
	, timesheet
	, employee);

In the above example, formatMessage() will attempt to substitute bindings from timesheet, then employee. The {weekEndingDate} binding will be substituted using the correct converter either as specified as the customer default conversion (for example DD_MMM_YYYY), or as specified in the document attribute declaration (which may be different).

Skyve takes advantage of formatMessage() as the basis of bizKey expressions in the metadata, supplying the bean as parameter implicitly. For example:

<bizKey expression="{employeeCode} ({})"/>

Similarly, convertAndSet() takes a String, applies the correct converter fromDisplayValue() method and sets the binding with the result value.

Binder.convertAndSet(timesheet, WeeklyTimesheet.weekEndingDatePropertyName, "12-Dec-2019");

Binder generic get() and set()

Using the Binder for generic approaches to getting and setting attribute values provides a powerful way to manipulate beans.

DateOnly weekEndingDate = Binder.get(timesheet, WeeklyTimesheet.weekEndingDatePropertyName);
Binder.set(timesheet, WeeklyTimesheet.weekEndingDatePropertyName, weekEndingDate);		


CORE offers a number of key convenience methods.

Method Description/Usage
getUser() returns the metadata user/user principal (as distinct from the current modules.admin.domainUser)
getCustomer() returns the current customer in for the current metadata user/user principal
getNumberGenerator() returns the Skyve sequence function to create unique formatted serial document identifiers
getPersistence() See Persistence below
getStash() returns a convenience Map for the current conversation available to the developer

Session and conversation storage

Skyve offers a temporary cache/stash at both the conversation and session context level. Use of the stash can impact performance and developers must consider the implications carefully. Minimizing the overheads in keeping the conversation and session state increases application scaleability.

Core.getStash() provides conversation-level storage for developer use. The stash is a Map that developers can use to store objects for later recall within the conversation context.

CORE.getStash().put("someKey", someObject);

and then to retrieve

someOtherObject = CORE.getStash().get("someKey");

The conversation stash exists for the duration of the conversation. Developers are responsible for managing the stash for the duration of the conversation, including removing objects no longer required.

Similarly, the User attributes Map is available for session-level storage.

CORE.getPersistence().getUser().getAttributes().put("someKey", someObject);

and then to retrieve

someOtherObject = CORE.getPersistence().getUser().getAttributes().get("someKey");


DocumentQuery extends ProjectionQuery and provides the ability to retrieve persisted beans in a type-safe and secure way, without building SQL or OQL Strings.

Key benefits of the DocumentQuery approach are:

  1. to abstract the developer from implementation-specific SQL - so that applications can remain database independent,
  2. to allow compile-time checks on query code, and
  3. to ensure a consistent security and performance via Skyve’s Persistence singleton object.

A trivial example of DocumentQuery is to retrieve typed beans using a simple filter:

// retrieve a list of inactive users
DocumentQuery q = CORE.getPersistence().newDocumentQuery(User.MODULE_NAME, User.DOCUMENT_NAME);
q.getFilter().addEquals(User.inactivePropertyName, Boolean.TRUE);

List<UserExtension> inactiveUsers = q.beanResults();
for(UserExtension u : inactiveUsers) {

Complex Example

For more complex queries, developers can construct queries using a range of extended filter features:

// collect settlements between range, with area > 0
// either from or to the current Grower
DocumentQuery q = CORE.getPersistence().newDocumentQuery(VineyardChange.MODULE_NAME, VineyardChange.DOCUMENT_NAME);
DocumentFilter dFrom = q.newDocumentFilter();
DocumentFilter dTo = q.newDocumentFilter();
q.getFilter().addBetween(VineyardChange.madePropertyName, firstDayOfYear, new DateOnly());
q.getFilter().addGreaterThan(VineyardChange.transferredAreaPropertyName, Decimal5.ZERO);

dFrom.addEquals(VineyardChange.fromGrowerPropertyName, bean);
dTo.addEquals(VineyardChange.toGrowerPropertyName, bean);


List<VineyardChange> settlements = q.beanResults();
for(VineyardChange settlement : settlements) {

Example DocumentQuery

In the example provided in the above example, the DocumentQuery is used to retrieve all VineyardChange beans. The beans are returned in a typed List and document permissions and scoping rules are automatically enforced by Skyve.

The use of DocumentFilter allows for correct enforcement of types at compile-time to reduce the possibility of errors arising from implicit type conversion which may arise if SQL strings were used.

However, where necessary, developers can take advantage of other querying options including:

  1. creating queries using SQL and BizQL (similar to HQL)
  2. re-using and manipulating no-code queries declared in the module.xml

Aggregate Functions

Another example of using a DocumentQuery is performing aggeregate functions. In this example, it returns a count of the number of Contacts in the database:

DocumentQuery qCount = persistence.newDocumentQuery(Contact.MODULE_NAME,
qCount.addAggregateProjection(AggregateFunction.Count, Bean.DOCUMENT_ID, "CountOfId");
int numberOfContacts = qCount.scalarResult(Number.class).intValue();

Other aggregate functions available include Sum, Min, Max and Avg.

For more querying options, we recommend developers read Using bizQL and Using SQL and review the other query examples provided in that chapter.


The EXT class provides developers access to additional APIs as follows:

Method(s) Description/Usage
checkPassword(), hashPassword() check a password against a hash, or hash a password
getCaching() Obtains an instance of the the Cache Manager for working with caches.
getJobScheduler() Obtains an instance of the Job Scheduler for working with jobs in Skyve.
getReporting() Obtains an instance of the Reporting service for working with reports.
getTagManager() Obtains an instance of the Tag Manager for working with tags.
sendMail(), writeMail() Send or write mail items
getDataStoreConnection(), newSQLDataAccess() access connections
newContentManager() access the content repository
newBizPortStandardGenerator, newBizPortWorkbook(), newBizPortSheet() developer access to customise Skyve’s BizPort feature.


For details of the CommunicationUtil class, see Communication

Job Scheduler

For more details of working with Jobs in Skyve, see Jobs

Method Description/Usage
getCustomerRunningJobs() Returns a list of currently executing jobs, reports and background tasks for the current customer.
runOneShotJob() Executes a Skyve job once, starting immediately. It disappears from the Scheduler once it completes and a record is stored in the admin job log.
scheduleOneShotJob() Executes a Skyve job once at a particular date and time.


ModulesUtil is intended to provide common business focused convenience methods and enumerations and also to provide an introductory reference to Skyve developers for accessing framework concepts and features for real-world applications.


Enumeration Description
CalendarMonth months of the year
OccurrenceFrequency Common frequencies (weekly, monthly, quarterly etc)
OccurrencePeriod Common periods (week, month, quarter etc)
DayOfWeek days of the week


Method(s) Description/Usage
addDaysDateOnly(), addFrequency(), annualFrequencyCount(), annualPeriodCount() Date manipulation for the specified period or frequency
firstDayOfMonth(), lastDayOfMonth(), firstDayOfYear(), lastDayOfYear() convenience methods for important dates
calendarMonthName(), calendarToDay(), dayOfWeekToCalendar(), sqlDateFormatOnly() calendar conversion

Comparison and String convenience methods

Method(s) Description/Usage
bothNullOrEqual() handle nullable value comparison
coalesce(), concatWithDelim(), enquote(), titleCase() basic String manipulations

Unique document number generation

Method(s) Description/Usage
incrementAlpha() increment alphanumeric value

bean and User

Method(s) Description/Usage
currentAdminUser() retrieve the modules.admin.domain.User from the user principal
currentAdminUserProxy() retrieve the modules.admin.domain.User from the user principal without groups and roles
getCurrentUserContact() retrieve the contact details for the user principal
hasModule() determine whether a user has access to a specified module
lookupBean() shorthand way of finding a bean using a legacy key value
getConditionName() returns a fomatted string representing the condition
getPersistentIdentifier() returns the database tablename for a given module.document
replaceBindingsInString() performs binding replacement whether the supplied string has the attribute displayName as the binding


Method(s) Description/Usage
standardBeanBizExport(), standardBeanBizImport() Code example of BizPort


Method(s) Description/Usage
DomainValueSortByCode, DomainValueSortByDescription Simple comparators for DomainValue lists.


Skyve’s Persistence mechanism is described in detail in

The following is specific to the use of the Persistence utility class.

The Persistence class provides access to persistence-specific functionality which may be required by developers, while ensuring that developer code will comply with security and threading mandates.

Key persistence methods are:

Method Description
getUser Gets the current conversation metadata.user
getCustomer Gets the current
begin, rollback, commit Control the state of the current transaction

Evict beans from cached memory.

These methods are useful where code interactions with persistentBeans may be in contention with default actions resulting from user activity (like pressing the Save button).

For example, if a user executes an action which impacts on the bean displayed in the view, and modified beans are not evicted, the user’s action will be in contention with the action. In this case, the user’s subsequent attempt to Save the bean will be met with a message stating that the current bean has already been modified by the user and can’t be saved.

Evicting cached beans at the conclusion of the action will avoid such a contention issue.
delete deletes a bean instance
flush pushes all pending DML statements to the database (without commit)
save saves the bean or beans

Persists values only within the top-most level of the bean structure.

During an upsert, no bean validation is performed, and reference ID values are persisted without traversing into the related bean.

Key methods of the Persistence utility class

Unsecured SQL

Methods using SQL are provided, but not recommended and are to be used with care. Unlike object query methods, SQL is implementation specific, but more importantly, the Skyve platform cannot assert automatic customer scoping and other platform features in unsecured SQL.


Skyve supports injection of the following resources (using Contexts and Dependency Injection - CDI) into any into actions, bizlets, extension classes etc. This is useful when writing tests and you would like to mock the behaviour of one of the Skyve classes, or you have an alternate implementation to inject.

  • Customer
  • Persistence
  • Reporting
  • Repository
  • Stash
  • User

Injection will survive serialisation.

Resources can be injected into a class like below:

  private transient Reporting reportService;


Developers can work with Freemarker and Jasper reports by obtaining an instance of the reporting service via EXT, or via injection.


The reporting service provides many helper methods for working with reports and attachments. Some of the commonly used methods are:

Method(s) Description/Usage
createFreemarkerBeanReportPDF Creates a new Freemarker PDF report and writes the file to disk ready to be processed further (e.g. DownloadAction, sent via email).
getMailAttachmentFromJasperReport Produces a PDF from a Jasper report ready to include as a Mail Attachment in an email.
runJasperBeanReport, runJasperSQLReport, runJasperReport Run a Jasper report

Tag Manager

Developers can work with Tags by using EXT to obtain an instace of the tag manager.


Once you have the tag manager, the following methods can be accessed:

Methods Description/Usage
clearTag(), createTag(), deleteTag(), getTagId(), getTags(), iterateTagged(), tag(), untag() Developer access to Skyve’s Tag function, allowing the developer to create methods which respond to the user selection.


The Time utility class provides some frequently used helper methods for working with dates and times. A sample of common ones are listed below, there are many more to explore.

Method(s) Description/Usage
addHours, addDays, addMonths Modifies the time component of an existing date.
asDateOnly Converts a Java LocalDate to a Skyve DateOnly.
getFinancialYear, getFinancialYearString Returns the Financial Year in which the given date exists (where financial year begins July 1).
min, max Returns the earliest or latest date from a collection of dates
numberOfDaysBetween Returns the number of days between two dates.
withDate Creates a new DateOnly with the specified day, month, year.

Working with time is as follows:

import org.skyve.util.Time;

  // create a new date a week from today
  Time.addDaysToNew(new DateOnly(), 7);

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